My TLC VoxBox just arrived! I wanted to post my first impressions right away, but I hope to post more in-depth reviews of things (along with the photos from my camera once they're uploaded) later. Here's what was in my box:
The first item in my TLC VoxBox is Neosporin-Neo to Go!
I have a three year old, so I know this is going to get plenty of use! I like that it's a spray, that'll make it way easier to apply without putting on gloves or washing my hands.

The second thing is Ivory soap. I've never used Ivory Soap as a soap, but it's one of my favorite things for projects. I love putting it in the microwave (if you have kids and have never done that, you should! I mention it and share a couple of pictures in my
messy fun post on my
teacher/parent blog), and there are always more fun Ivory soap projects on Pinterest to try!

Next is Avon's Anew Reversalist. I'm pretty excited to try this. The box describes it as a "cream to powder skincare perfector", which sounds like something I would like. I've never tried any Avon products (crazy, I know) so I'm pretty excited to give this one a try.

Next is a Shell FuelRewards card. This seems like a strange thing to get in a VoxBox, since as far as I can tell you can just go online and sign up for a reward card. That said, I'm always down for anything that saves money, and since my husband has an SUV saving money on gas is a great thing. You can also connect your rewards card to your credit card (though you certainly don't have to) and then you earn money off of gas with every purchase at all sorts of places. If you want to check out the program, you can look at it
here. If you sign up online they'll send you a card.

Next is the thing I'm most excited about (I know that's probably sad): a coupon for free gelato!! I love Breyers and haven't ever tried their gelato, so this'll be a good reason too. This time of year there are very few things better than free gelato!

Next are Puffs plus lotion. Everyone in my family has allergies, so we go through purse packs of tissues pretty quickly. Puffs are what I usually use, so I'm glad to have gotten these for free! I haven't tried the Plus Lotion kind, so I guess I'll see if I like those any better than the normal ones.
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